$Sono Group N.V.(SEV)$May be a newly IPO company, price may have been tanking ever since day 2. I understand the frustration from some of the people around, especially if you’vegotten in at a high price point. Firstly, if you went in when it was at like above 40, to begin with, you’re responsible for your own action. When a stock is rushing up madly in price, especially it would have already been 100+% fromIPO price, why are you still jumping in at this point in time? Did you really do your DD or just seeing how positive it is and thinking it will only go up? It’s pure greed at this point in time already. People always want more, that’s normal. But when it comes to stock market, it’s really greed that kills. 

But putting that aside, instead of blaming the company for being a scam or liar, be reasonable in understanding that it takes time to builda business up and for such innovative business to work out, it requires much more than a traditional market business. 

The team behind Sono are made up of credible members, whether it’s their management or engineering team. If we keep raging over it, it just negatively affects your mental health and may possibly lead to unlogical decision making. Also, what we need now is the faith and exposure from more people. Seeing all these negative comments on the platform, how would we improve that? 

Have a good weekend guys! 




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  • WonkoDaCorgi

    I mean if u trade stocks like a casino you are bound to get burnt. Even tesla took almost 2 years to hit a stable double digits and 10 years to get 4 digits.

    • Venus_M
      see how many talents they attracted. also how many has already test drive their vehicles and love it.  give it time.  watch it grow 🌷
    • Venus_M
      on lesser fuel.  though it seems not for profit,  but i believe profits will come to it naturally as it has a great mission which inspired many
    • Venus_M
      i wish this could turn into the next Tesla.  but their mission is different.  Tesla is a high end car.  this company's directors are into sustainable vehicle and technology to help the world to rely