Graph statistics from Jan 2023 though. 2023 was a rather incredible and revolutionary year for me. It was the year where I decided to 'wake up' and turn my account of bleeding reds around. 🍎➡️🍏 It was nightmarish difficult to reverse the many reds I had, especially the $22K loss in $Sono Group N.V.(SEV)$ 🥴😵😵‍💫

My portfolio suffered badly in Jan 2024 (2nd pic) when the Crypto sell off occurred (after the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs), and I've been on a roller coaster ride up and down multiple times (if you see my graph in first pic). 🤯🤯

My regret was not letting go of my stocks at the right time and not taking profits when due. Paper gains are not yours unless its realised, sadly. 😬😪

Now, I'm on my 5th climb up. It's draining and off-putting. At times, I even question my intelligence, luck and decision making skills.

I've never been a fan of rollercoasters... but to those who are, some rollercoasters are not worth it. 

Don't have regrets like me. 

Protect your portfolio; always take profits when you can. Invest rationally and take attachment out of these stocks, yall.

Cheers and good luck to all! 🔥🚀🔥🚀

P.S. Dearest NZ @Barcode sis, many references to 🍎 s for ya HAHAHA 😂😂😂




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