@koolgal:$FRENCKEN GROUP LIMITED(E28.SI)$ stock price has been going up like a rocket for a good reason! The company has been doing very well over the past year. Frencken's 1H21 net profit surged 67% year on year to SGD31.3million on 28% growth in revenue to SGD375. 3 million.Frencken Group provides end to end solutions across the entire customer value chain. It offers comprehensive original design, original equipment and diversified integrated manufacturing solutions for world class multinational companies in the automotive, healthcare, industrial, life sciences and semiconductor industries. It has exposure to customers in US, Europe and Asia. Market capitalisation is SGD922 million. Semiconductor accounts for
@koolgal:$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$ In times of market volatility like now, DBS can still shine and withstand the strong headwinds! It is after all the biggest bank in Singapore by market capitalisation. It is strong, resilient and solid like a rock! DBS is said to be the Safest Bank in Asia and winner of numerous awards around the world. Under a strong management team, it continues to innovate and seek new businesses to grow. The latest innovative move was to start a Digital Exchange for cryptocurrencies for members only in December 2020. It is the first such exchange, backed by a bank in Asia, to do so! Best of all DBS pays quarterly dividends year after year, rewarding small inve
@koolgal:Will Capitaland stock price increase this week? Last trading day is Friday 3 September and new company Capitaland Investment will then be listed on 16 September. I am really excited and look forward to collecting my angpow🚀🚀🚀🎊🎉🎊
The move towards zero-emission personal mobility triggers a radical transformation of the largest value chain. It has major/positive implications to the Earth. Pleased to see the positive collaboration between mankind [Bless]