老虎认证: 优克联(NASDAQ: UCL) 任性连接,自由分享
优克联(NASDAQ: UCL) 任性连接,自由分享

现场直击|GlocalMe 亮相 MWC 2024

2月26日至29日,在备受瞩目的2024年世界移动通信大会(MWC 2024)上,创建了全球领先移动数据流量共享市场的优克联集团(“优克联”,纳斯达克股票代码:UCL $优克联(UCL)$ )发布了一系列解决方案,重新定义了连接和创新的行业基准。 此次展示彰显了优克联致力于实现鼓舞人心的新愿景--Better Connection Empowers Better Life(更好的连接,更好的生活)。
现场直击|GlocalMe 亮相 MWC 2024

MWC 2024:优克联展示创新好连接解决方案

2月26日至29日,在备受瞩目的2024年世界移动通信大会(MWC 2024)上,创建了全球领先移动数据流量共享市场的优克联集团(“优克联”,纳斯达克股票代码:UCL $优克联(UCL)$ )发布了一系列解决方案,重新定义了连接和创新的行业基准。 此次展示彰显了优克联致力于实现鼓舞人心的新愿景--Better Connection Empowers Better Life(更好的连接,更好的生活)。 优克联在便携式Wi-Fi终端领域处于领先地位,凭借独特的云SIM卡技术不断创新,在200多个国家及地区与350多家移动运营商建立了3G、4G、5G连接。今年,优克联推出了突破性的商业级双宽带CPE解决方案,实现了一个重要的里程碑。 在MWC 2024期间,优克联在巴塞罗那Fira Gran Via 6号馆6C73号展位向全球观众展示了这一动态备份解决方案,即使光纤线路出现故障或中断,也能保持网络的稳定性,并重点介绍了一款移动宽带产品GuardFlex Pro,它是世界上最可靠的双宽带CPE路由器。GuardFlex Pro支持本地固定网络以及所有主要运营商的多个移动网络。它具有智能选网和可管理操作的特点。路由器提供无缝切换的冷备份和热备份选项。此外,它还支持串行和并行网络配置,因此设置起来非常简单。 Numen Air是一款领先的5G便携式Wi-Fi终端,也在为期四天的展会上展出。它是全球首款全速5G网络覆盖产品,专为企业用户设计。它可在55个国家和地区提供无缝的5G体验,具有智能选网功能,可在多个本地移动运营商之间自动切换。此外,它的全球覆盖范围遍及200多个国家和地区。 展会上还展出了全球最轻的便携式4G Wi-Fi热点KeyConnect。它可确保连续工作4小时,智能省电,使用时间长
MWC 2024:优克联展示创新好连接解决方案
UCLOUDLINK GROUP$优克联(UCL)$ 将亮相 MWC 2024,敬请期待

现场直击|GlocalMe 亮相 CES 2024

近日,全球影响力最大的科技展会——CES2024消费电子展在美国拉斯维加斯开幕,优克联集团(纳斯达克:UCL)旗下领先的全球移动数据连接服务品牌GlocalMe,在展会上展示其在全面移动数据解决方案方面的最新进展。今年CES展的主题“ALL ON”,强调了科技进步对人类的益处,这与GlocalMe提供多样化数据连接方案以满足全球市场定制化需求的愿景完美契合。 图片 移动数据连接的飞跃 GlocalMe的创新数据连接服务以及其广泛的硬件和软件产品,让用户能够在150多个国家自由接入互联网,不再需要本地SIM卡或担心高昂的漫游费。 此外,GlocalMe扩展了产品和服务组合,提供更全面的移动数据解决方案,包括免SIM卡移动Wi-Fi硬件、eSIM和OTA SIM卡服务,以及满足消费者和企业不断发展需求的商业级高性能连接方案。 GlocalMe Life 更好的连接,更美好的生活 在CES展会上,GlocalMe介绍了GlocalMe Life,它不仅仅是一个产品,更是一种理念,代表连接的增强能带来更丰富的生活体验。GlocalMe将致力于将技术与日常生活无缝融合,提供更智能、便捷的解决方案。 GlocalMe的最新进展彰显了其在移动数据连接领域的领导地位。通过不断扩展其产品和服务,GlocalMe不仅满足市场需求,也在塑造未来连接方式。 “在物联网主导的未来,连接的质量支撑着生命的本质。虽然一切都建立在互联网上,但很少有公司将这些连接的持续性卓越性作为优先考虑因素。这就是为什么在GlocalMe,'永远更好地连接'不仅是口号 - 它是我们对创新的承诺。在CES 2024上,我们很自豪地展示了我们最新的进展如何体现这一承诺,确保GlocalMe用户在日益互联的世界中享受更好的数字生活,”优克联CEO陈朝晖说。 在2024年CES上,GlocalMe展示了如何通过其产品和服务,无论
现场直击|GlocalMe 亮相 CES 2024

GlocalMe Unveils Next-Level Global Connectivity Solutions at CES 2024

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GlocalMe, a leading mobile data connection brand under UCLOUDLINK (NASDAQ: UCL), is proud to showcase its newest advancements in providing comprehensive mobile data solutions at CES 2024, the world's biggest tech exhibition, currently taking place in Las Vegas. This year's CES theme, "ALL ON", emphasizes advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, and perfectly aligns with GlocalMe's vision of offering a diverse range of data connectivity options tailored to the unique demands of global markets. A Leap in Mobile Data Connectivity GlocalMe's innovative data connection services as well as its wide range of hardware and software products enable users to freely access the internet, without the need to shop for local SIM cards when travelling or inc
GlocalMe Unveils Next-Level Global Connectivity Solutions at CES 2024
1月9日,2024国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES 2024) 在美国拉斯维加斯拉开序幕。 优克联集团(NASDAQ:UCL)$优克联(UCL)$ 将携新一代全球数据连接解决方案亮相拉斯维加斯。


OFFICIAL DECLARATION UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. $优克联(UCL)$ ("UCLOUDLINK" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: UCL). hereby solemnly declares: Recently, we have noted some wrong information regarding the directors and executive officers of Company’s shareholding displayed in certain securities trading platforms. For such information, please refer to the Company’s annual reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and other relevant filings of the Company. Thanks for your attention to UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC.   UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. April 25, 2023   官方声明 优克联集团 (“优克联”或“公司”,纳斯达克股票代码:UCL),特此郑重声明: 近期,公司注意到部分证券交易平台显示的公司董事及高管持股信息有误。有关此类信息,请参阅公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的20-F表格(年度报告)以及公司的其他相关文件。 感谢广大投资者对优克联集团的关注 (中文翻译仅供参考,一切信息以英文为准)    
优克联2022年Q3业绩电话会将于 2022-11-16 21:30:00 开始,欢迎各位投资者预约观看。
优克联2022年Q2业绩电话会将于 2022-08-24 20:30:00 开始,欢迎大家预约观看。


Earnings Call Scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, August 24, 2022HONG KONG, Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. (“UCLOUDLINK” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: UCL)$优克联(UCL)$, the world’s first and leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace, today announced that it will report its unaudited financial results for the second quarter of 2022 before the market open on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.Management will hold a conference call to discuss these results at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time / 8:30 p.m. Beijing Time the same day.Listeners may access the call by dialing:International:+1-412-902-4272US (Toll Free):+1-888-346-8982UK (Toll Free): 0-800-279-9489UK (Local Toll): 0-207-544-1375Mainland China (Toll Free):40
优克联2022年Q1业绩电话会议将于 2022-05-31 20:30:00 开始,欢迎大家预约观看。
优克联2021年Q4及全年业绩会将于 2022-03-24 20:30:00 开始,欢迎预约观看。


Earnings Call Scheduled for8:30 a.m. Eastern TimeonTuesday, November 30, 2021 HONG KONG,Nov. 23, 2021(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC.(“UCLOUDLINK” or the “Company”) $优克联(UCL)$ , the world’s first and leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace, today announced that it will report its third quarter 2021 unaudited financial results before the market open onTuesday, November 30, 2021. Management will hold a conference call at8:30 a.m. Eastern TimeonTuesday, November 30, 2021(9:30 p.m.Beijing TimeonNovember 30, 2021). Listeners may access the call by dialing: International: +1-412-902-4272 US (Toll Free): +1-888-346-8982 UK(Toll Free) 0-800-279-9489 UK(Local Toll) 0-207-544-1375 MainlandChina(Toll Free): 400-120-1203 Hong Kong(Toll Free): 800-

优克联GlocalMe U3荣获“中国智能终端”优秀奖

8月8日,“2021年第三届中国智能终端产业大会暨第三届中国智能终端大奖颁奖典礼”在深圳举办。 优克联旗下的GlocalMe U3,作为全球首款智能秒切随身WiFi,凭借先进的智能秒切技术和极致的上网体验,荣获“第三届中国智能终端”优秀奖。第三届中国智能终端产业大会,由中国通信工业协会、中国工业报社和中国(广西)自由贸易试验区钦州港片区管理委员会共同主办,是我国智能终端行业最具影响力和权威性的行业年度盛典之一。 本次大会吸引来自国内智能终端相关领域的一批企业家、公司高层、行业优秀代表与会,包括软件商、方案商、集成商、供应链、品牌方以及渠道商等整条产业链相关单位。中国通信工业协会会长王秉科、中国工业报社长徐金宝、钦州港片区管委常务副主任杨斌分别致辞。作为优克联旗下的明星产品,GlocalMe U3是全球首款智能秒切随身WiFi。它覆盖全球200多家运营商网络,可以实现一个国家或地区多家网络随意切换连接。 与此同时,GlocalMe U3搭载优克联独家专利多网优选“智能秒切”技术,可以实时智能监测各运营商网络环境,提前测算网络信号,秒切信号最佳的网络通道,保障用户自由畅连,告别卡顿。而且这个切换基本都能够在用户无感的情况下进行,来保障用户上网体验。此外,GlocalMe U3搭载的企业级四核旗舰芯片,在信号稳定、网络速度、数据延迟等方面整体性能提升25%,让网络时刻保持最稳定、最优质的状态。它小巧便携、随身移动且无需安装插卡,一键直连,能最大程度保障网络自由,而且一次充电可实现续航12小时,可以彻底摆脱物理空间限制。支持10台设备共联,手机、电脑、平板、投影流媒体等多设备同时连接也无压力,可以智能调度、分工协同,有效降低多设备连接卡顿,全程高速不设限,为多场景下的用户提供方便、疾速、稳定、安全的上网环境及体验。 除了U3,GlocalMe其他型号产品也备受市场关注,尤其是在近期
优克联GlocalMe U3荣获“中国智能终端”优秀奖

UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. Announces Changes to Board of Directors

HONG KONG, June 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. (“UCLOUDLINK” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: UCL), the world’s first and leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace, today announced its board of directors (the “Board”) has appointed Prof. Ying Kong as an independent director, effective June 9, 2021. Prof. Kong will also serve as a member of the audit committee of the Board, a member and the chairman of the compensation committee of the Board, and a member of the nominating and corporate governance committee of the Board. Also effective June 9, 2021, Mr. Zhigang Du resigned as a director of the Company and a member of the audit committee of the Board for personal reasons. In addition, Mr. Zhiping Peng stepped down as a member and the chairman of the compensation committee
UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. Announces Changes to Board of Directors

UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. Announces Progress in U.S. Patent Infringement Disputes

Hong Kong, April 19, 2021 - UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. (“uCloudlink” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: UCL), the world’s first and leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace, today announced the latest developments in its patent infringement disputes with SIMO Holdings Inc. (“SIMO”) in the United States.In 2018, SIMO sued Hong Kong uCloudlink Network Technology Limited and uCloudlink (America), Limited (collectively “uCloudlink Entities”) for infringing its U.S. Patent No. 9,736,689.The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (“SDNY”) found for SIMO and ordered uCloudlink Entities to pay damages amounting to US$ 8,230,654. In addition, SDNY issued a permanent injunction, enjoining uCloudlink Entities from selling certain models of Wi-Fi hotspot devices in the United Sta
UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. Announces Progress in U.S. Patent Infringement Disputes

UCL Announces Progress in US Patent Infringement Disputes and New Subsidiary Establishment in the UK

HONG KONG, March 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. (“uCloudlink” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: UCL), the world’s first and leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace, today announced the latest developments in its patent infringement disputes with SIMO Holdings Inc. (“SIMO”) in the United States and the establishment of a new subsidiary in the United Kingdom. 1.     U.S. Patent Infringement CaseIn 2018, SIMO sued Hong Kong uCloudlink Network Technology Limited and uCloudlink (America), Limited (collectively “uCloudlink Entities”) for infringing its U.S. Patent No. 9,736,689.The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (“SDNY”) found for SIMO and ordered uCloudlink Entities to pay damages amounting to US$ 8,230,654. Belie
UCL Announces Progress in US Patent Infringement Disputes and New Subsidiary Establishment in the UK

UCL Announces Investment in iQsim and changes to Senior Management Roles

HONG KONG, Feb. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. ("UCLOUDLINK" or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: UCL), the world's first and leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace, announced recent investment in iQsim, the leading provider of open virtual SIM (VSIM) platform and VSIM-enabled mobile devices based in France, through its Singapore subsidiary uCloudlink (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (“Singapore UCLOUDLINK”) and UCLOUDLINK’s recent changes to its senior management roles. 1.     UCLOUDLINK’s Investment in iQsimSingapore UCLOUDLINK subscribed to iQsim’s newly issued ordinary shares, representing around 31% of iQsim’s total issued and outstanding shares. In addition, Hong Kong uCloudlink Network Technology Limited (“HK UCLOUDLINK”) and iQsim will have their pa
UCL Announces Investment in iQsim and changes to Senior Management Roles

UCL Announces Progress in U.S. and China Patent Infringement Disputes

HONG KONG, Jan 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UCLOUDLINK GROUP INC. (“uCloudlink” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: UCL), the world’s first and leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace, today announced the latest developments in its patent infringement disputes with SIMO Holdings Inc. (“SIMO”) and/or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and China. 1.U.S. Patent Infringement Case In 2018, SIMO sued Hong Kong uCloudlink Network Technology Limited and uCloudlink (America), Limited (collectively “uCloudlink Entities”) for infringing its U.S. Patent No. 9,736,689.The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (“SDNY”) found for SIMO and ordered uCloudlink Entities to pay damages amounting to US$ 8,230,654. Believing the trial judge erred in the construction of SIMO’s patent claims
UCL Announces Progress in U.S. and China Patent Infringement Disputes
