To be clear, there is A LOT of Fraud in the world of Crypto and I believe that ETH or smart contracts have no place in the complex world we live in. BTC, has the collective conciseness of perceived value but also no utility. Hype and Fraud different things
Looking forward to joining the esteemed panelists at Berkeley Law Fraud Fest. Will focus on the fraudulent crypto ecosystem. Ethereum smart contracts? WTF? Still 140 bil of mkt cap. ETHE will go right back to $300
Citron has spent the past year and a half not being vocal on the short side as whatever potential rewards did not justify the trolling of family members on and off line. But sometimes it becomes just too difficult not to bite your tongue and not chime in on the obvious
As ETH still trades above 1000 with a mkt cap of 140 billion. We say WTF? Every high-flying real software/cloud company is trading back to pre-pandemic levels which puts ETH at 200 (which is still expensive)
Just saw Mike N on CNBC discussing use cases and the first and only thing he said was the ability to buy collectibles. Anyone who thinks smart contracts and DAO are going to replace escrows and banks has obviously never conducted real business
If you want to say that BTC is digital gold because it has collective thought than that is your choice. But to think that a 140 bil software company whose primary use case is to buy online collectibles then joke will be on you
ETH has never passed the intellectual honestly smell test regardless of the web3.0 dreams that are being sold by a collective of Silicon Valley VC who will never be held accountable for the claims that have been sold to the unsuspecting public over past few years
$JMIA not pounding table. It is what it is. At this price the largest E-Commerce and delivery platform in Africa is FREE. No value to the biz whatsoever. Either this is an amazing opportunity or Africa means nothing.
$LMND Can you believe over $400 mil of insider selling as they were touting ESG and charity bullshit to cover up for a busted insurance lead company. This goes away and no one cares
$APRN Just signed off investor day...either management are group of lying sociopaths on profitability or this stock going right back to $10. They will provide more details on $PLNT partnership but it is co branded marketing that emphasizes fitness and food. Same with $WMT
On investor day presentation Blue Apron $APRN just announced a partnership with $PLNT, they have over 15 mil members Great fit....need more details. Citron suggested $PTON sell food to their subs months ago
Being asked readers YES. $PTON should partner with a meal kit company that can scale $APRN CEO must realize they are a brand and wellness co and not a technology co. 3 million subs all eat with built in sales force in instructors.
This market downturn should be the end of sell-side research. Going down every name attached to every big firm and it laughable, that includes the "brand name" analysts (MM). Investors are better off reading open debate on Reddit, Twitter, or SA
$PTON was the perfect example of an overpromotional CEO, and confirmation bias of wealthy and healthy fund managers. All the stocks down 80%+ from peak, this was most obvious. 15 mos ago JPM put a $200 tgt on $PTON...and they're investigating short sellers?
If the market needs Citron to go back to writing short reports to bounce...we will take one for the team. tongue in cheek of course. Where is my edit Elon?
$APRN...brtual tape no doubt. Management just bought at $12 last week and $WMT is the core market. New balance sheet ...maybe time to revisit this name