前两天空了100股uvxy ,今儿居然自动平仓啦。 账户里应该有足够的现金,怎么会出现这种情况? 各位大神,有了解的能帮忙解释下? 庆幸空的不多。亏200刀。 Dear Trader, Based upon the information available yesterday at 17:00 ET, you were provided with notice of certain short stock positions in account U9 which were subject to buy-in this morning as the necessary stock borrow could not be secured within the settlement deadline. Please be aware that as of 09:00 ET this morning we have not yet been able to locate and borrow the shares necessary to support these positions. While we will continue to attempt to borrow these shares up until 09:30 ET, any short positions for which a loan cannot be secured by that deadline will be bought-in as required by regulation. Positions for which a buy-in has been processed will be reflected in the account at an indicative price. IB