Reliefs for telco sector in India a boon for Airtel, says Singtel CFO
1. BHARTI Airtel, Singtel’s Singtel: Z74 +0.42% joint-venture company, will now be in a better cash flow position to take advantage of emerging trends such as 5G and the home broadband market in India, said the group's chief financial officer Arthur Lang on Thursday.
2. This comes after the country's federal Cabinet approved a telecoms sector relief package on Wednesday. The package includes a redefinition of the adjusted gross revenue (AGR) to count only telecoms revenue, significantly reducing the amount of AGR payments from telcos to the government going forward.
3. Still, Mr Lang called the news a "game-changer" and said that the move frees up a "tremendous" amount of free cash flow for the company to grow its business by investing in its 5G network as well as its fibre broadband network, which has seen demand grow exponentially due to work from home arrangements.