
Listen up folks and please read fully. Jim Cramer caused this huge pump and dump. He and his hedge fund friends. People should complain to CNBC until they remove him off the air. They allow him to be on CNBC every morning telling viewers what to do from 9am to 10am. He kept telling everyone to buy Paypal because it was going much higher than 300 and now he changes his tune. Watch on video for yourselves and hear him admit how he manipulated the stock market. His friends are hedge funds. Read how Jon Stewart tore into him for telling all those people to buy Bear Stearns, right before it collapsed. Get it? This bum I'm sure owned a whole bunch of Bear Stearns and found out it was collapsing so he told all people to buy Bear Stearns so he could sell his position. Look, please pass this on to Reddit and Wall Street bets. There are enough people to protest and fire this guy. The SEC I read has been after him for years. He does this all the time with every stock, hurting many investors for his own personal gain.$PayPal(PYPL)$


