
$BioLargo, Inc.(BLGO)$

Stock Day Podcast: October 25, 2021

Regarding Ikigai Partnership - Dennis Calvert - 8 minute start

“This little company called Ikigai… came to us and said ‘our team has been launching consumer products for 25 years.’ They have in their portfolio 5 blockbusters that have done close to a billion or over. Billion with a “B”. Things like Febreze, Swiffer, CopperFit, Zevo, Snuggie. They launched these marketing campaigns really focused on driving consumers to a retail channel. So they selected our technology as a cornerstone to launch their first product in which they set up an investment group to focus on, really launching it for their own brand, with the idea of ramping it up to significance and then selling it to a major national brand as it can head into the billions.”

From 2021 Q3 10-Q: 16 November, 2021

Consumer Products

Ikigai Holdings, LLC, which was founded by accomplished industry executives from the consumer-packaged goods industry who have executed successful launches of at least five blockbuster products, has licensed and begun testing a television commercial it developed for a CupriDyne-based household pet odor removal product and a laundry additive for pet related odors under brand name “Pooph”. It will evaluate testing results, and has advised us that if its test marketing phase is successful, will launch the product with the goal to sell to the major retailers in the United States (e.g., Walmart, Target, etc.). Ikigai has represented that subject to the successful launch of these two initial products additional products would be considered. Ikigai has reported that in its first week of test marketing that Ikigai was seeing “very promising results”, and that the next few weeks would be critical in evaluating their expectations of volume and velocity, two critical metrics to support expanded investment.

The full quote from Ikigai regarding early responses to Pooph:

TV test marketing shows promising results – a quote from Ikigai Holdings President Jane Pak on the new pet odor product based on BioLargo’s technology: “The Ikigai team is pleased to see the product get a positive response early in the market testing period. The next three weeks of media placement will be critical to predicting probability of volume and velocity, but in our first week of placement we are already seeing some very promising results.”


