
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ $700,000,000 in revenue and still losing .41 cents a share. That's $.41 x 500,000,000 shares or $205,000,000 more needed in revenue to break even. Or a about a 1 billion in sales a quarter to make nothing for the share holders. It looks like to make $1 for each share the company has to have revenue of 1.5 billion per quarter. $1,500,000,000 in revenue at $10 per ticket is only 150,000,000 customers each quarter. And after they pay the landlords the money they're owed. Yeah, its doable. As long as the landlords are going to continue to wait for the rent. I mean, what else are the landlords going to do with a bunch of big empty buildings. I guess they could grow weed or something. But, they really have no choice but to wait for AMC to peel off an little piece for them. Something is better then nothing.


