
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$With so much truth on AMC and kenny boy’s lies with discussions with Robinhood, it’s still gonna be a case of buy and hold and buy even more for me! There is no other stock that gives me sucha huge roller coaster ride on my unrealized gains/losses, but I must say this is the most interesting and fun stock that I hodl withconviction since Apr 2021. To share some truths why I hold for everyone of you.

1. Shorts have not covered their positions! Legal short% is still increasing by the day almost 21%! Not including the strong manipulation using dark pools and naked shorting!

2. APES own the whole AMC stock at this stage, definitely more than 80%! No other stock in the market now has such a strong community backing

3. So much FUD and hate generated from just AMC! who the hell will keep asking you to sell on a daily basis? Obviously they NEED you to sell! 

4. Which company has such a wonder CEO like Adam Aron that constantly listens to retail investors/APES like you and me? DOGE WILL BE JOINING THE AMC BANWAGON! 

5. Most Apes are constantly looking for opportunities to average up their positions, continuously buying up more and more shares and holding! Market research by Bloomberg research was done few days ago, that there are many pple waiting with lots of cash to buythe many dips! Buy vol is mostly larger than sell vol and most days which we all can see. 

6. Too much STRONK community on Reddit and Twitter 😂

Since hedge funds delete the buy button in jan, we will all destroy the sell button! AMC to moon is…INEVITABLE! 🚀🚀🚀


