Dumb $investing-no. 5


Dumb Goes dumber ...... actually really stupified as Tesla just notched past 1100!!! Can I believe it???!!!  Pinch urself, if it hurts, ur Tesla stocks r in the money n it's REAL.  

BUT and that's a BIG but, don't u go to do anything.....just maintain e same n do nothing!!!  Key lesson to investment is U make  more when u don't do anything.  Just let it rocket to e moon 🌘

It's e hardest but it will pay u many times over in e end !!!

Cheers to Tesla!!!



  • PageDickens
    At the beginning, I liked Tesla very much. He had a lot of great technologies in the automotive field, and cars were sold to the global market. But since he began to invest in bitcoin, I have doubts about his future. Why does an automobile manufacturing company not focus on producing cars but set foot in so many fields?
    • phily
      Plus the fact that he is a celebrity and he can move coins w a single tweet . 
    • phily
      it's a business decision and the odds are in his favour.where do u find an investment with a possibility of 1000 % returns ?  simple , crypto!!!Forex n commodities all pale in comparison.  
  • EricVaughan
    From cars to rockets, Tesla has too many ideas. I don't think it's a good thing for his future.