Reasons I think Covaxin will be approved


Reasons I think Covaxin will be approved and have some degree of utilization in the US and Canada.
As far as I know, Covaxin is the only vaccine with an actual double-blind study evaluating efficacy against the delta variant, demonstrating about 65% efficacy, while the efficacy against the older alpha is similar to Pfizer and Moderna around 90%+. The Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca vaccines were featured in an August NEJM study that 'estimated' the effectiveness against delta. I assume the major vaccine makers are working on similar studies, but for now I think Covaxin is the only one.
Covaxin is an inactivated virus vaccine. It is not a protein replicating mRNA variety. There are people who will accept this more traditional vaccine over the new mRNA types.
With WHO giving the okay for Covaxin despite a number of other approved vaccines out there tells us Covaxin meets acceptable safety and efficacy standards.
Covaxin does not need deep refrigeration like the mRNA vaccines do. While that is a really big deal for developing countries, there are locations in the US where managing the deep freeze may favor an effective non-deep freeze vaccine.
Because so many people worldwide will be vaccinated with Covaxin, it is my understanding that any vaccine mandates that restrict travel into the US or Canada require use of an 'approved' vaccine. That alone should lead to both Canadian and US approval as long as the vaccine is safe and reasonably effective (which we know it is from WHO).
I don't see any chance Covaxin becomes a major competitor for Pfizer or Moderna, but I do see a role for Covaxin. The big question for OCGN is how is the news received when approval happens?

$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ $Histogenics(OCGN)$ $Pfizer(PFE)$


