AMC Connect could be the catalyst


Adam Aron could’ve started AMC connect as a makeshift share recount, the same way we tried to do with Say Technologies. If you’re not familiar with AMC connect, it’s a rewards program for AMC shareholders. When you connect your brokerage to confirm that your a shareholder, I assume that they can also see how many shares you own. If enough of us joined AMC connect up until we passed the 513m shares outstanding and Adam Aron tweeted this out, it would validate our naked short thesis. MSM would start putting out headlines and other investors would realize “holy shit the apes were right!” This would create a massive run up until hedgies get margin called, and from there we’re on our way to the moon. Do you guys think this is why Adam Aron started AMC connect? Or does he just want to thank us for supporting the company.
Of course this is just a theory and i’m a smooth brain ape, so don’t take this as financial advice.


