
$Huadi International Group Co., Ltd.(HUDI)$

So called insider stock

- Yes, if you are reading this I think you know something about this stock. There are plenty of group talking about this and asking ppl to trade buy long for it and promising a 100% profit.

- The people who initiates this is evil because they keep asking how much money you are going to pour in and keep telling you that the profit is guarantee and what they want you to do is not thank them but taking 10% of your profit to make a charity. I am one of the investors who getting fool by them but luckily I did not all-in my money.

- Who are them? This guy called himself as Miller. He may has other name in different group and the name and photo maybe not the true person. Anyway, I share his contact, +44-7419653672, his assistant(Annie, +44-7784313648) and his photo here for reference and do not fall into the trap in future. Please save these number, Bro and sis, please be caution.

- Do like this post if you are one of the victims and share this lesson to your friends

- Last, lesson learnt, do not simply believe in the insiders Stock news. Please always do a survey before buying. Although the so called “guru” always wants u to response fast and quickly trade as per their instruction. The HUDI news only gives a 15 minutes reaction time for you to buy in. Please take a step back and read the public news and have a look of the stock chart. And last but not least, money management, should not all-in your capital. Split the money into a few portions. Only take the risk that you are able to bear. All the best in your future trades. 


