A Frank Discussion on CLOV


$Clover Health Corp(CLOV)$ It’s clear, by everyone, coordination among hedge funds is happening. It is. So if that’s not market manipulation, why couldn’t we work together in a little more…harmonized manner?
Earlier today I saw a huge wall at $8.06, something like $2M in shares as a limit sell. At that time the break even for anyone buying calls was $8.07 (still is, actually). It’s like the hedge funds were saying, “yeah, come and get me, I dare you”. That wall has since been shuffled around as the day closes. There was also a super strong limit buy at $7.50, which I assume is where the HF’s would hope to scoop up those selling today. Again, that has since moved since days close. Refer to my “Shitadel Guard Rails” post for images.
So, here we are again, another week, the granddaddy of calls, the “gamma” potential, and we all have that feeling of where it’s going.
One has to assume the cost to borrow shares on dark market is less than the premiums they receive when they dump those shares on retail market to ensure their puts expire ITM and your calls OTM. Otherwise, there’s no point.
I’m done letting these bastards push us around.
Currently I hold 31,500 shares (thanks to today’s dip). I’m not the only one with a decent chunk of cash invested. I’m also not out of powder. I’d like to discuss some ways to combat what I mentioned above with those who could stand to make a dent against the fuckers. The overall market will follow us if we do it right.
If this is you, PM me and we can discuss more.


