
Alibaba living what it preaches, embracing change and technology, and actively looking into the future to plan ahead. Watch the following interviews with Alibaba Group President Michael Evans, what are your thoughts on Alibaba's commitment and strength in embracing globalisation and technology staying invested for future growth?

Watch these interviews with Alibaba Group President Michael Evans, sharing how business growth opportunity is strong this year for Alibaba's US, China and international ecommerce business partnerships anAlibaba's leading edge in ecommerce and online offline small and big retail innovations.



Mr Evans serves as a management member of the Alibaba Group Board and has served as an independent director since Alibaba's initial public offering in 2014. He had previously spent 20 years working for US investment bank Goldman Sachs.

With Alibaba Group's strong commitment to globalizing its business, the company has made growing its business outside of China a top priority, and is committed to significantly increasing cross-border trade between China and key global markets.

Mr Evans has been a close advisor to the Alibaba Group for many years, with his deep knowledge of Alibaba's business, his experience as a proven global business builder and as a global leader. Mr Evans is responsible for leading and executing Alibaba Group's international growth strategies to globalize the company and grow the business outside of China.

Mr Evans has more than 20 years of experience in China and he is one of Alibaba's many precious mentors, such as Jack Ma and many other invaluable mentors actively contributing to establishing Alibaba's strategic networking globally.

Globalization, going global, is one of Alibaba Group's most important strategy for the coming decades, and Alibaba's goal is to serve more than 1 billion consumers in China and facilitate more than RMB10 trillion of consumption on the company's platforms in the next five years as Alibaba continues on the path of globalization.

Longer-term, Alibaba aims to serve 2 billion consumers globally, create 100 million jobs and provide the necessary infrastructure to support 10 million small businesses to become profitable on the company's platforms by 2036.

Alibaba have been laying the foundation for many years to become a truly global company. Alibaba's ultimate goal is to create value for society and help find solutions for society's challenges.

Alibaba aims to help SMEs to succeed and make it easy to do business anywhere locally and internationally. Alibaba wants to convert Alibaba's resources into fuel for small and medium businesses globally, which will in turn support the advancement of the whole society.

Please comment what are your thoughts on Alibaba's commitment and strength in embracing globalisation and technology staying invested for future growth?

Successful investment guru Munger is willing to take position in Alibaba not on the basis of wishing or hoping, but on the basis of facts and data. Alibaba's strengthened market leadership, improved monetization, strong profitability and cash generation. Alibaba has very strong business profile, large economies of scale, strengths in the digital economy, increased revenue diversity, continued strong profitability, a conservative capital structure, and high free cash flow generation. 

Alibaba has been growing its top line, and cash flow is forecast to more than double in the next few years. You can now pay less for Alibaba than it was when previously the company was less than a third of its current size! And it will be tough to find one billion paying users elsewhere. Make sense that's why Munger is one of the best guru investors around!

You wouldn't expect a 97-year-old Munger to necessarily have a lot of patience, but legendary investor Charlie Munger is doing just that doubling down on his faith in Alibaba where time is the essence for his age!

Alibaba time to rise catch up, up and away to $180, $220, $310 and beyond!! 🙌💪🚀🚀🚀 Time to return reclaim severely depressed $$$ value of fundamentals strong Chinese stocks!  

Don't miss the low because you can't time the low if you are not willing to hold a position, it will only be higher and higher lows next, sell and the whales going long are waiting to scope it up!!




  • VictorI.
    Up up let the dragon come alive!! So much undervalued solid fundamentals supported Alibaba! 👍💪💪 Come on Alibaba rebound towards next $170~180 still huge safety buffer $$$ margin room up up! 🚀🚀🚀 Latest, Needham Investment Bank maintains Buy rating of Alibaba target price $330!
  • HenryHoward
    I believe that the common prosperity fund is not the same as a fine. It is also not useful for the cinese government to just take the money from baba. The chinese government would want baba to do what it does best, which is innovate and createmore jobs and opportunities for the poor.. and in doing so, baba will also be gaining more market share into this group of population and obtaining a foothold into this potential future revenue stream when this group becomes more affluent and starts spending
    one of the most undervalued stocks. some are not comfortable with the business environment but the government is just future proofing the economy without erosion of their core values.
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