
3086 bitcoins X $44,000 = 135,784,000 / 56,000,000 shares = $2.42 Net Book Value per share X 1.25 = $3.03 per share [25% premium to account for the business organisation].

The strategy of this company must surely be to mine as many bitcoins as possible before the 21 million final quota is met.

Then the price of bitcoin ... and this company will be a roller coaster [hopefully upwards]. But the income stream from this company after the 21 million benchmark will be fees it charges for its portion of the blockchain.

Without knowing any better, doing a 'Mr. Spock' analysis, I'ed say that's the economy of this business. I would'nt buy at this price .... but it is a good long term hold.$Bit Digital, Inc.(BTBT)$


