Knowing all of this, we project that TAL Education Group will have a price of $54.06 in 12-months compared to it’s current price of $6.07 ($47.99 difference).
Forecast & Beta
As an investor, you can get an idea of where the stock is trending by the forecast and beta. Beta is calculated using regression analysis. A beta of 1 indicates that the security’s price tends to move with the market. A beta greater than 1 indicates that the security’s price tends to be more volatile than the market. A beta of less than 1 means it tends to be less volatile than the market. TAL Education Group has a beta of -0.03722.
Knowing all of this, we project that TAL Education Group will have a price of $54.06 in 12-months compared to it’s current price of $6.07 ($47.99 difference).
We can also take a look at the comapany’s marketcap. Marketcap is important because it allows investors to understand the relative size of one company versus another. Market cap measures what a company is worth on the open market, as well as the market’s perception of its prospects, because it reflects what investors are willing to pay for its stock. TAL Education Group has a marketcap of $2837192000.