Just holding stock.


Allow me to introduce myself. I have been reading on this site yet have never posted. I have met and talked with Dr.
Langer many times and he is a brilliant scientist, entrepreneur and inventor . I own 1300 shared of MRNA at $60.00 that I bought in the Fall of 2020.I fooled around with Calls yet had a mixed bag result of some good trades and some poor trades. Now just holding stock.

Like most of you I have been in the craziness of amazing highs and the hurting of the stock falling. I am amazed at the current price. This company is the real deal and I amholding at least till $450.

No one understand us: the MRNA long stock holders and the emotions we have been through. Unless you own the stock you can’t feel how great it is that the stock which was 235 less than three weeks ago is heading to 400 (I hope and guess) within a month or sooner .

Glad to join the few honest long holders of MRNA on this board.$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$


