2021 an epic roller coaster!


2021 is indeed an amazing year, in terms of futures, and other form of securities (depending on what businesses you are holding on).

What have i learnt from 2021:

1. Macro-news are vicious and brutal for long term investors.

2. Trading the stock market is not for everyone.

3. FUD is real, because humans can't seem to control their emotion.

4. 95% of the stock market are full of speculators.

5. Making friends with the Eminent Dead (Books).

6. Health is Wealth.

How can we improve on:

1. Create a game plan or strategy (Growth).

- Chances of you panic selling is high, if you have no clue on what businesses you are buying-

or trading a stock.

- Learn to cut losses (Mostly for traders).

- Have a margin of safety, when investing.

2. Learn from your past mistakes (Personal).

- Nobody is perfect, even the best investors or traders makes mistake.

But they never repeat the same mistakes twice.

3. Build a network (Community)‌.

- Find the right community or group to learn and grow together with-

the same common interest and ideas. Share your values and works with-

one another to grow your mindset.

4. Create a good habit (Mindset).

- You don't have to create 15 habits at one go for 2022. The chances are 

you will not do it at all. Instead, just create one or two good habits - 

that will change your lifestyle in positive way.

An example: Create a spreadsheet to calculate your expenses.

or Read 5 books in a year. 


1. Always invest with calculated risks, leverage only when needed and make it minimal.

Only invest with spare cash!

2. No matter what is it, the most important thing in life is your health.

No amount of money can buy that.

As always stay safe and may the market be ever in your favour.

敲黑板,在"2021投资大复盘"主题下发帖,或者题目中包含"2021投资大复盘"等关键字 :回顾2021年的投资记录,以及心得感悟,就有机会成为幸运虎友,赢取iPhone手机、苹果股票、半年度免佣卡、还有虎友们最最最喜欢的限量款台历。


  • uuunited
    I lost 10% in 2021. I hope I can make a profit in 2022. Good luck everyone
  • dimsum
    Retail investors are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Only by constantly learning from failures can we finally achieve success.
  • qingg123
    This summary is excellent. Judging from the words, you are a successful investor. Good luck in 2022.
  • BecauseOfYou
    Stay safe is an investment criterion that every investor should strictly abide by. Thanks for sharing. Happy new year
  • letgo09
    This is one of the most perfect year-end summaries I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing.
  • RubyPulitzer
    Thank you for sharing! I hope our retail investors can make money every day.