
Elon says he is selling Tesla stock to pay taxes, but he has sold far more than is necessary to pay off his taxes. The fact that the founder/CEO (who presumably has unparalleled access to insider information) is doing so should be a huge warning to anyone not blinded by the Tesla hype.



  • CyrilDavy
    I got into TSLA at $52 in 2018 while a lot of people were bashing the stock and the company. Now TSLA is $1000+. Bash all you want. People see the future of this company and the great CEO
  • MyrnaNorth
    I bet Elon Musk is currently nervously watching the stock market. Part of him struggle selling more shares. He really wants to.
    • littlesweetie
      I thought Musk was done selling.. Looks like he wanted to sell the last bunch at a higher price. Borders on price manipulation?
    • BorisBack
      Elon Musk did all of us longs a favor by giving us a heads up that he was going to sell around 10%. So we got acclimated to it and had an idea of how long it would take.
  • KittyBruno
    There’s absolutely no chance I’ll risk a TSLA short sale. I’ve seen to many well executed short squeezes orchestrated by TSLA’s in house trading team. Elon has mastered the short squeeze nearly to the point of violating “insider trading laws.
    • BaronLyly
      I agree. With EM’s new “deep pockets” TSLA’s in house trading team is operating with almost unlimited power to squeeze short sellers on an almost instantaneous basis. I.e. don’t shortTSLA
  • ChristKitto
    The TSLA “faithful” have been led to believe that once Mr Musk’s selling has finished, SP will resume an upward trajectory.This mistaken belief is based on lack of knowledge about share price correction following a massive increase in shares outstanding.
  • RonaldNixon
    Everyone needs cash. The richest man in the world needs it more. Musk's task is to change the living conditions of human beings. I support him because he is my idol.
  • kiekie
    Don't worry. Tesla's share price will go up Tesla is a great company and has taken the global car industry to the EV era.