
Be cautious on buying BB. Lots of dependency by BB on CES as a marketing platform. CES attendance is rapidly diminishing by the hour as omicron spreads. I suspect in a weeks time the conference will be scaled back. Not to say there won’t be good PR, but the interactivity BB was planning at the conference is probably Not going to happen. So I’d expect a sell off as CES starts to re-evaluate/communicate over next week a scaled back conference. Buy then, before PR is released. Somewhat related - wonder if the IP sale relates to a planned CES announcement. I.e. FB launching metaverse related phone utilizing BB IP (just a thought)?$BlackBerry(BB)$

“科技春晚”CES 2022 看点有哪些?
CES 2022 将于1月5日开启,会展将展示行业内的最新动态,重点展现人工智能、AR/VR、游戏和计算、数字健康、汽车和交通、家庭娱乐、智能家居等方面的最新科技,多家科技公司将在此秀出自家最新产品和技术。

