
Here is a little education for the crypto faithfuls:

Stocks are claims on future streams of corporate dividend and that’s why stock prices go up or down according to corporate profitability.

Yes, if the underlying company is a scam that never produces any profit, its stock prices go to zero. And many of them have indeed become zero.

Those who buy stocks always treat them as a means to the end—getting more dollars or euros or whatever legal tenders. Only fools believe that stocks will become a currency in one day.

Get the differences?

Finally, some invoke hyperinflation or Zimbabwe as a justification for cryptos.

Come on: you are better off owning a cow than holding cryptos in hyperinflation—cows give milk or become beef. What’s the use of cryptos? 

收留币圈爆仓的心碎男孩、女孩 爆仓无情虎有情 你的不安 虎友来承担 哪怕全世界割你韭菜 虎友也是你最温暖的港湾 ​​​

