This article is probably more in line with what the market currently thinks about the stock. Just think about the customer acquisition and then conversion between tiers - from existing to become a higher paying customer - that is not that easy. I'd use the company for one specific project purpose and beyond that, I may not need it for more. That single project may exist and it may be for the long run, but converting to a higher paying tier, I must have something else that i need Palantir to do for me. I don't see that happening. So all Palantir can do is to spend high marketing costs acquiring new customers who will need its services - which may not be as scalable as it seems. Each customer is unique in its requirements so set up costs cannot be scaled out of the equation when factoring in time and labour costs. We will see how its Foundry and Gotham will yield results within the next 5 years, since they are already out for a while. But based on what i can see, this is going to be an uphill battle for its growth, if you compare it to other growth stocks for example, in the cloud computing sector - with high net retention rates and excellent scalability. This is not FUD, it is just pure numbers and how B2B works.