This move is not a short squeeze and will not cause a short squeeze. Look at short interest: it’s very low, around 3.4% I believe, but Moderna has gotten good news about it’s vaccine from the EU amongst several other pieces of very good news and that’s why it’s up 4% AH, and not AH around 4 or 430, this all happened at around 640ish when all the news came out. This will open around the $325 mark and will get to around $340. If we’re lucky more, but I think it get to right around $340 and then closes at around $330. When market closed today options were implying a 4% move tomorrow, obviously it will be higher than that. The most volume on calls today was at $310 strike and on Puts it was the $290 strike. On a normal day I’d expect I’d expect the MMs to keep the stock in a tight range and it would close right around $300, but with good news they won’t be able to. And As always there was a lot more call volume than put volume so we might see a gamma squeeze in the morning when the MMs are trying to cover all the calls they sold. Plus you have a Delta of .57 on the $310 calls which is not normal because you usually get a .5 Delta when the stock reaches exactly the strike price. So because of this we can see options prices go up fast in the morning but then slow down in the afternoon once the MMs have covered their naked written calls and then it’ll have to be intrinsic value to keep the calls and bullish bets moving up. So after all that I think we will close above $330 and right around $340. I hope I’m wrong and we get to $400 🤞 but that’s not going to happen. We will maybe see a high of something in Between $340 and $350. If you have options that expire tomorrow I highly suggest you sell you calls, spreads or whatever bullish option bets you have early in the morning. I’d sell 75% and let 25% ride. Just be careful cos that’s will kill you tomorrow. If the stock is at $330 at 9:40 the $330 calls will be worth about $800 or so, if it’s at that exact same price at noon then those same calls will only be worth $350-$400 max. Setup a price point you’re happy to sell at and follow it, don’t get greedy. If anything just roll them out another week or month. I normally won’t hold weekly or monthly options on the day of expiration but this time I did with Moderna and Pfizer. So gl all and hope all of us longs make some $$!$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$