
$Alibaba(09988)$Not long ago, I was giving my thoughts and opinions on this stock trend. Apparently, it happened to be that way. As I said, the low can get lower. So, avoid catching the falling knives. Instead, to minimize our risk, we follow the trend, we start buying in when there's a positive uptrend signal which clearly we don't have it at this moment. 

With both 50 MA and 150 MA sloping down, and what's worse is that the price is currently trading below 200 MA. All of these signs do show us that temporarily, baba is in crystal downtrend. 

So what should we do? Now if you're short term traders, you might as well just avoid trading with baba, as well as the other chinese stocks. Long term investors,  just turn off your PC or laptop, go to the washroom, wash up your face, have a cosy bath, and move on with your daily routine and life. It'll come back eventually if you believe its fundamental hasn't changed at all. 


