09-28 18:20
I closed $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$  ,Reflecting on My Decision to Sell SOFI at $7 I was recently assigned and asked to sell my SOFI stock at $7. At the time, I thought it was a good decision, but now that the stock is trading at $7.95, I'm wondering if I sold too low. Analyzing My Decision In hindsight, I can see that I might have been too hasty in selling my SOFI stock. The stock has continued to rise, and I could have potentially made a higher profit if I had held on to it. Lessons Learned This experience has taught me some valuable lessons: Don't be afraid to hold on to a stock: Sometimes, it's better to hold on to a stock and ride out the fluctuations in the market rather than selling too quickly. Set a higher target price: In this case, I might have set my target price too low. I should have considered setting a higher target price to take advantage of the stock's potential upside. Stay informed and adapt: It's essential to stay informed about the stock's performance and adapt my strategy accordingly. If I had been more aware of the stock's potential, I might have made a different decision. What I Would Do Differently If I had the opportunity to do it again, I would consider holding on to my SOFI stock and setting a higher target price. I would also make sure to stay more informed about the stock's performance and adjust my strategy accordingly.
09-28 14:17
USSoFi Technologies Inc.
SoFi Technologies Inc.

