Global Xpress | What Are The Impacts of US Tariffs on China’s EV and Battery Industry?

Global X ETFs

【For Hong Kong Investors Only】 The recent imposition of tariffs by the US has intensified pressure on China’s EV and battery industry. What impact does this have on the industry? What are the growing export trends of the industry to markets in Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America?

Watch now as Mr. Zhang Hao, Head of Business Development, China for Global X ETFs Hong Kong, along with Ms. Chen Bingyao, Senior Investment Analyst at Mirae Asset, share their insights on the tariff policy and how it could fuel the growth of China’s EV exports in other overseas markets.

00:50 - Impact of US tariffs on the Chinese electric vehicle and battery industry

02:29 - European tariff policies and the export situation of Chinese electric vehicles in the European market

03:51 - Export situation of Chinese electric vehicles in Southeast Asian and South American markets


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