【Global Xpress】3416/3419: Income Strategy "Covered Call ETF" Dividend Results, Aiming for Monthly Income Distribution*(Dividend and Dividend Rate is not guaranteed, dividend distribution is at the Manager’s discretion, distributions may be made out of capital*)

Global X ETFs

[For Hong Kong Investors Only] Global X ETFs introduced two covered call option strategy ETFs on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on February 29, 2024. These ETFs aim to meet investors' demand for stable income sources and resistance against market volatility. Investors seeking a relatively #stable #income #source and #protection against #marketing #volatility might consider adding a covered call ETF to their investment portfolio. A covered call ETF employs a strategy called covered call writing to generate income for investors#. Aiming for Monthly Income Distribution. (Dividend and Dividend Rate is not guaranteed, dividend distribution is at the Manager’s discretion, distributions may be made out of capital*)

Global X ETFs invites Dennis, Head of Portfolio Management for ETFs, to share an in-depth explanation of the covered call strategy.

00:41 - What were the March dividend results for the 2 covered call ETFs?

01:12 - Do the 2 covered call ETFs pay dividends monthly?

01:34 - How is the premium managed in the covered call ETF strategy?

02:49 - What is the historical performance of the covered call strategy?

03:29 - What are the differences between products tracking the #HSI and #HSCEI?

* Positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return on the total investment. Payments of distributions out of capital or effectively out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attribute to that original investment. Any such distributions may result in an immediate reduction in the Net Asset Value per Share of the Fund and will reduce the capital available for future investment. 

# While Covered call writing limits potential gains of the underlying security, it provides a relatively stable option premium income for investors.

Learn more about Global X HSI Components Covered Call Active ETF (3419) and Global X HSCEI Components Covered Call Active ETF (3416)’s risk factors: $A GX国指备兑(03416)$ $A GX恒指备兑(03419)$ https://www.globalxetfs.com.hk/campaign/covered-call-etf/


This material is intended for Hong Kong investors only. It is not a solicitation, offer, or recommendation to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument. Investment involves risks. Past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance. Investing in the funds may expose to risks (if applicable) including active investment management risk, futures contracts risk, margin requirement risk, failure of clearing house risk, concentration risk, securities lending transaction risks, currency risk, distributions paid out of capital or effectively out of capital risk, and trading risks. Investors should refer to the Fund's prospectus for details, including the risk factors. Statements concerning financial market trends or portfolio strategies are based on current market conditions, which will fluctuate. There is no guarantee that these opinions are suitable for all investors and each investor should evaluate their ability to invest for the long term, especially during periods of downturn in the market. Outlook and strategies are subject to change without notice. Issuer: Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission. MAK Sze Man (Licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission for Types 1 and 4 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance). MAK Sze Man and her associate(s) do not hold the securities/fund mentioned in the video. FOK Ho Wah (Licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission for Types 1, 4 and 9 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance). FOK Ho Wah and his associate(s) do not hold the securities/fund mentioned in the video. Copyright © 2024 Mirae Asset Global Investments. All rights reserved.

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