MAR & APR丨Sparkle Globally with Business Success and ESG Efforts


MICO GALA 年度活动在泰国曼谷成功举办

3月2日,MICO泰国年度盛典在泰国曼谷盛大举行。本次活动的主题为"INTO THE GALAXY",活动邀请了泰国知名乐队Season Five,为参加盛典的内容创作者、用户和嘉宾带来精彩演出;还为2023年平台优秀创作者、合作伙伴等颁发了荣誉奖项。


MICO's Annual Gala Successfully Held in Bangkok, Thailand

On March 2nd, MICO Thailand's annual gala took place in Bangkok, Thailand, with the theme "INTO THE GALAXY". Awards were presented to outstanding creators and partners on the platform for their contributions in 2023 that night.

The head of MICO Thailand expressed gratitude to all users for their support over the past nine years. He emphasized that the company will continue to drive innovation and enhance user experience.

HeeSay 举办泰国宋干节活动 "LivelyLaugh"

4月中旬,为庆祝一年一度的泰国宋干节,LGBTQ+ 在线社区 HeeSay 发起了 "LivelyLaugh" 线下主题活动。活动现场,用户使用相机拍照打卡,定格自己“最生动的笑容”并将其张贴在背景板上,将欢乐的心情传递给每一个参加宋干节的民众。

HeeSay 总负责人表示,未来,HeeSay 还将继续围绕“尽情爱、共欢笑”的品牌愿景,在东南亚和北美等市场推出一系列主题新颖的线下活动,让更多 LGBTQ+ 用户通过 HeeSay 获得归属感和认同感。

HeeSay's 'LivelyLaugh' Campaign Started An Interactive Craze During Songkran

In mid-April, to celebrate the annual Songkran Festival in Thailand, HeeSay launched the "LivelyLaugh" campaign. Participants were allowed to use Polaroid cameras to capture their "most lively smiling faces" and posted them on boards, spreading joy to everyone participating in the Songkran Festival.

The head of HeeSay expressed that HeeSay will plan to launch a series of innovative offline events in marktes like SEA and North America.


3月底,MICO 、SUGO土耳其团队共同发起线上平台灾后重建募捐,用户、创作者等积极参与捐款,共募集善款15万里拉(折合人民币超3万元);团队还前往受灾地区,为当地群众送去善款和慈善物资,携手共渡难关。

Newborn Town Participated in Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Türkiye

In late March, Newborn Town's MICO and SUGO teams in Türkiye jointly initiated an online platform for post-disaster reconstruction donation. Users, creators, and others participated in donations, raising a total of 150,000 lira (equivalent to over 30,000 yuan). The teams also visited the disaster-stricken areas, delivering donations and charitable supplies to the local people and relieving their burdens.


中东斋月期间,赤子城科技旗下陪伴式社交平台 SUGO 通过系列慈善活动回馈当地社区。SUGO 中东团队为埃及当地多家慈善机构捐赠了食品、生活用品、儿童玩具等物资。团队为当地弱势群体带来社会温暖的同时,也激励着更多人积极参与,传递爱与希望。

SUGO Hosted Charity Events During Ramadan

During the Ramadan period in the Middle East, SUGO, a compaion-based social app under Newborn Town, gave back to the local community through a series of charity events.

The SUGO Middle East team donated food, necessities, and children's toys to several local charitable organizations in Egypt. By bringing social warmth to local vulnerable groups, the team also inspired more people to actively participate in spreading love and hope.




Danlan Public Interest Fund Concludes Small Grants Programs in 2024

The Danlan Public Interest Fund completed its annual review of small grants programs from April 8th to 21st. These programs are dedicated to enhancing the physical and mental well-being of MSM individuals, complementing national HIV/AIDS prevention and control initiatives.

Out of 39 programs reviewed, 11 received approval, with a total funding of 90,000 RMB.




He Health Invited to Attend Academic Conference on HIV/AIDS

At the 9th National Academic Conference on HIV/AIDS, He Health, BlueCity's platform for men's health services, highlighted its expertise and achievements in HIV/AIDS prevention and control.

A collaborative research report by He Health and Tsinghua University's Vanke School of Public Health was unveiled at the conference. The report delves into the analysis of medication adherence among individuals purchasing PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, an anti-HIV medication) online.



2023年,公司深耕泛人群社交业务,SUGO、TopTop等后发产品快速崛起,核心市场中东北非规模持续增长,商业化效率大幅提升。同时,公司多元人群社交业务实现整体持续盈利,面向海外的多元人群在线社区HeeSay成功推出;精品游戏《Alice's Dream: Merge Island》增长迅速,第四季度平均月流水突破800万美元。

Newborn Town Announced 2023 Annual Results

According to Newborn Town's 2023 annual results released on March 21, the company's revenue increased solidly in 2023, reaching RMB3,308 million with an 18% YoY increase. The revenue of the social networking business reached RMB 2,972 million, while the revenue of the innovative business was RMB336 million.




Newborn Town Held 2023 Annual Results Briefing

Newborn Town's highly-anticipated 2023 annual results briefing commenced in Hong Kong on March 22, drawing nearly one hundred investors and analysts eager for insights and revelations.

Li Ping, CEO of Newborn Town, underscored the company's ambitious long-term objectives. He emphasized the unwavering dedication to expanding into the MENA and other global markets, highlighting the successful validation of their globalization strategies.




Newborn Town Announced its Operating Data for Q1 2024

On April 24th, Newborn Town released its operational data for the first quarter of 2024. The company's social business revenue is estimated to be around RMB 980 million to RMB 1,010 million, representing a year-on-year growth of approximately 65.8% to 70.9%. Meanwhile, innovative business revenue is estimated to be around RMB 62 million to RMB 72 million, with a year-on-year growth of approximately 3.3% to 20.0%.


3月23日,华泰证券针对赤子城科技 2023 年业绩发布研报。报告表示,赤子城核心产品(MICO、YoHo、TopTop和SUGO)中东北非地区业务规模进一步增长,多元人群业务海外品牌HeeSay全新升级亮相后表现出色,公司创新业务增长良好,基于以上,维持赤子城科技"买入"评级,目标价 3.31 港元。

Huatai Securities: Newborn Town's Potential in MENA Market Further Unlocked

According to the research report published by Huatai Securities, Newborn Town's core products have continued to thrive in the MENA regions, showing further expansion. Additionally, the overseas LGBTQ+ brand HeeSay has exhibited impressive performance following its recent upgrade. The company's innovative business segment has also experienced rapid growth. Based on these achievements, Huatai Securities has maintained a "buy" rating on Newborn Town with a target price of HK$3.31.



Soochow Securities Maintained a "Buy" Rating on Newborn Town

In Soochow Securities' report released on March 25th, Newborn Town was projected to be on the rise thanks to its sustained leading position in the MENA and SEA markets, along with the breakthroughs achieved in its product throughout 2023.

With a remarkable increase in gross profit margin and notable growth in its games division, Soochow Securities maintained its "buy" rating.



Essence International Evaluated Newborn Town's Businesses as Dual Engines that Boost its Growth

On March 28th, Essence International updated its research report on Newborn Town and maintained a "buy" rating with a target price of HK$3.7.

The report suggested that Newborn Town is currently expanding, benefiting from outstanding performance achievements in various sectors. The overseas markets are steadily developing, and the company's overall business is improving in terms of quality and efficiency, leading to a significant growth in profits.



CMS Recognized Newborn Town's Continued Improvement in Business Quality and Efficiency

On April 3rd, China Merchants Securities released a research report stating that the company's gaming and LGBTQ+ social business bring diversified growth opportunities. The gross profit margin is expected to remain high, and the prospects for 2024 are bright. They maintained a "buy" rating for Newborn Town and raised the target price to HK$5.0.




Oriental Patron: Newborn Town's Net Profit Soared While New Social Platforms Developed Smoothly

Oriental Patron maintained a "buy" rating on Newborn Town with a target price of HK$3.70, as revealed by its research report.

Oriental Patron believed that due to the growth of business in the MENA regions and the consolidation of BlueCity, the company's net profit surged in 2023. Moreover, the company's social business development is promising, and the smooth progress of diverse audience social networking will provide strong growth momentum for the company in 2024.


