
$Exela Technologies, Inc.(XELA)$My gf is taking too long to arrive so i shall explain the situation in mcgriddles. The current situation is like mcgriddles launching tmr, i see that mcgriddles will run out of stock so i buy many mcgriddles to resell it,  however people dont want to buy it from me because there is still others buying mcgriddles from mcdonalds as everyone is buying from mcdonalds anyway. One day a man in the queue says, hey lets start buying 2 day old mcgriddles from skylar at a higher price instead and everyone else follows. Then mcdonalds knows of the situation and takes mcgriddles off the menu. The man and his followers subsequently cries and dreams that mcgriddles is back on the menu but it is long gone. Stop selling ur shares retail investors or mcdonalds will remove mcgriddles off the menu and your gf will be angry at you as she wants to consume some mcgriddles then she will accuse you of gg to the KTV at golden mile. 


