Remember your are investing in Metamaterials not Torchlight Energy. These two companies are significantly different Torchlight Energy is the past and Metamaterials is the future. I know that this statement does not help you with your loss but for me investing in the future is key. I lost 70 percent of my investment but selling now really makes no sense for me. I also believe we were dealt a bad hand by Torchlight Management which has caused our current low stock value problem when all the extra shares were added on June 21st. But we need to give the new
Metamaterials Management a chance and have faith. The bottom line for this stock to increase is really up to you. So either hold, buy or sell. But if you sell now you are guaranteed a loss if you purchased your shares on or after June 21st and forward. Financially you need to find out what is right for you but since you have waited till now what will a few more weeks matter. A majority of the loss has happened if you sell unless you decide to hold. That is what I am doing and is right for me. So whatever you decide is right for you make sure it is your personal decision not listening to others. I just wanted my personal decision to be posted here based on my person circumstances. Stay Blessed Always No Matter What You Do With Your Investment.