Tesla is at risk of losing its market dominance: analyst

Yahoo Finance2021-12-21

Tesla (TSLA) bulls shouldn't get too comfy with the company's market dominance continuing unabated, warns Guggenheim analyst Ali Faghri.  "Our balanced view [on Tesla] is based on: 1) a favorable near...



  • Frosty4ever
    $tsla market share is expected to fall as TAM grows. critical factors are selling what they can make, increasing production and margins. TSLA has been in China fighting fierce Chinese competition and legacy auto even since it was founded. There is execution and supply chain risks but these apply to everyone. So long as TSLA continues to innovative and execute, they'll do fine.
    • Frosty4ever
      lot have to do with omicron, inflation, raising interest and tapering, short interest and Elon selling. market didn't value stocks perfectly all the time
    • CatherineGunter
      Disruptive technology tends to become overvalued at first, than corrects heavily to become undervalued. Look at the price action of TSLA over the past few years if you don’t believe me. All you have to do is be long and strong.
    • KittyBruno
      Don't look now, but somehow this company has life again. Can't kill it, too many Elon simps. That and the company is lightyears ahead of the competition, Lucid is the only one even remotely close.
    • EmilyMark
      it's amazing how an insignificant automaker has a market cap of about $900 billion. It really is mind-boggling.
    • MatthewWalter
      This is just the beginning of the smart money leaving. Just wait until the panic selling starts