Halliburton proposed to purchase ExxonMobil stake in Iraq's West Qurna 1 oilfield


BASRA, Iraq, Dec 1 (Reuters) - Iraq is considering a proposal made by U.S. oil service company Halliburton for buying Exxon Mobil's stake in the southern West Qurna 1 oilfield, a senior Basra Oil Co. Official said in a press conference on Wednesday.

"Halliburton submitted a proposal seeking the possibility to buy Exxon stake in West Qurna 1. In fact, it’s a possible option for the Basra Oil Company to consider after settling the situation with Exxon Mobile," said Hassan Mohammed, deputy manager of the Basra Oil Co.

The proposal was also confirmed by the Basra Oil Company director Khalid Hamza during a press conference held at the company’s headquarters on Wednesday.


