China state-owned daily urges calm after market rout


SHANGHAI, July 28 (Reuters) - A Chinese state-owned securities newspaper urged calm on Wednesday after investors dumped mainland shares for a second day on worries over the impact of tighter government regulations.

Regulatory moves aimed at the education, property and technology sectors sparked heavy selling this week in Chinese markets, and have left global investors bruised and uncertain over the outlook for investments in Chinese firms.

In a front page commentary on Wednesday, the state-owned Securities Times said that systemic risks "do not exist in the A-share market overall."

"The macroeconomy is still in a steady rebound stage, and short-term fluctuations do not change the long-term positive outlook for A-shares," the commentary said.

"The recent market decline to some extent reflects misinterpretation of policies and a venting of emotion. Economic fundamentals have not changed and the market will stabilise at any moment."

Other major securities dailies echoed the commentary in market reports.

In a front page story citing domestic fund managers, the official China Securities Journal said the sell-off was a "structural adjustment", a sustained plunge is unlikely and the market does not face systemic risk.

A story in the state-run Shanghai Securities News quoted domestic analysts as saying that the sell-off would not continue, and that the market will gradually stabilise.

"For institutions, the decline brings the opportunity for positioning in high-quality shares," it said.

What started off as a sell-off in shares on Monday had spread into fixed income and foreign exchange markets by Tuesday afternoon, sending the yuan falling through psychologically significant levels and pushing Chinese sovereign bond yields, and the cost of insurance against a default in China's dollar debt, higher.



  • koolgal
    In times of market volatility like this, being calm and rational is the best course of action.   Keep a laser focus on the solid fundamentals of the invested companies and know that at the end of the storm, there will be a beautiful pot of gold at the end of the rainbow🌟🌟🌟
    • Mommyeve
      Yes. Rainbow after rain. 🌈
    • koolgal
      You are right! 👍😊
    • Wayneqq
      Indeed, but there are many who trade on margins and they are unable to hold and there are those who are traders who buy and sell based on trends and not company fundamentals… no right or wrong…
    • 33d54320
      like me plzz
    • koolgal
      You have a point.  I am more of a long term investor.   How about you? 🤔
  • OngOng
    Great to learn
  • Shunsund
  • Netviper
  • tig2021
    China stirs up other countries market. 