Koss shares surged 17% in premarket trading

Tiger Newspress2021-10-13

Koss shares surged 17% in premarket trading after soaring 25% yesterday.

While all the drama around AMC took up emotional bandwidth, the biggest news from the meme world came in the last minutes of Tuesday trading, when shares in Wisconsin-based headphone maker Koss Corp surged almost 25% after 3:30 p.m. Eastern before being halted for volatility.

It appeared that much of the late movement was the result of a California court's decision to rule in favor of the company inoneof the many lawsuits and counter-suits between Koss and Apple Inc. regarding the former's longheld legal claim that it holds the patent on the concept of wireless connection between headphones and a speaker.

But the action came so fast and furious that trading was halted before the bell, and even Reddit users who have been bullish on Koss since it was included in the OG class of meme stocks back in January were left confused by the rocket ride.

"What the F happened here" read the title of a post on subreddit r/KOSS stock Tuesday afternoon.


