So much negative news from the chinese govt... I cannot see how Red Chip stocks will rise to the challenge.... Better take a hiatius first until there is positive news coming out from "there"....
Hot Chinese ADRs Dipped in Morning Trading
Think the news article by Barron did NOT take into considerations the  475,000 Telsa model 3 and model S recalled due to safety hazards.  With consistent quality issue, will Telsa share still continue to rise ?  Would you continue to pour money into this ?
How Will Tesla Stock Do in 2022?
I am surprised that there is on Winter of Discontentment in China with all these Big Tech companies being pounded by the govt that seriously will be having a knock off effect on Chinese stocks by the International investors.... The reality check will come into play when DiDi delist from NYSE and list on HK Exchange.  If the migration is under whelming, it will be a clear signal to tell them to bugger off.  I for certain would not buy into HK Didi until it becomes clearer if anymore unreasonable and badly exercised PR blitz is going to happen.... No point pouring hard earned money into the drain yah ?
JD Stock: The Tencent News That Has Chinese Tech JD.com Tumbling Today
NIO needs to hold steadfast to deliver all their different models of EVs - from SUV to Sedan. At the same time ram up establishing overseas posts in the different European cities.  Closer to home (Asia) - NIO should target Singapore a vibrant country with the goal of reducing carbon emission by 2025... Focus on rock solid deliverables and let the results do the talking.  Anyone with an investment mind and commonsense should invest in NIO for the Long Term.  Speculators could look to Lucid, Rivian, Fisker, Peleton.... all these US stocks are more fluff than substance in the near 2022 and 2023.... When there is little or no output - the price will slider further....
Nio unveils new model and talks power at Nio Day event
Logically speaking Tesla share price would begin to fall overtime; not because Tessla is no longer a leading EV company.  But because when existing ICE car manufacturers start rolling out EV of their own - based on the Supply and Demand (not to mention variety) theory kicking in it is natural for the share price to fall.  There will be many competitors fighting for the immediate set of finite buyers.  Not unless Tesla pivots to other businesses and continues to have astronomical Quarter earnings.  What do you think ?
I wonder who will put up huge amount of investment money that "could" possibly be "reclaimed" in 2026 (5 yrs down the road) ?  So speculative taking into considerations that the World has NOT even got over Covid-19.  Looks scammy.  For those who chased and bought high.... lilely individual investors like us and now trapped - while the HF and Corporates would have gotten wind of the private placement and exited the Market; leaving Individual investors on the chopping block.   Welcome to US stock mkt.
Lucid stock plunged 8% in premarket trading
If the Chinese govt is out to prove that it could wield enough clout to influence the world stock exchanges, it has proven its point. Hope that the fire will not get out of control so much so that all funds will flee from all Red stocks and never comes back.
Hot chinese concept stocks dipped in morning trading
The funny thing is no reporter mentioned that Grab is one of five digtial banks that is set to be launched in Singapore in 2023 (if remember correctly)... Isn't this the piece of fat meat in Grab's staple ?
Altimeter Growth surged 10% in premarket trading
Strongly believe that if NIO could ensure its chip supply issue sorted and maximize its output capacity (by having shifts) - hopefully it could end 2021 on a HIGH.... Maybe then there is a glimmer of hope of hitting $66 again ? Finger crossed.
NIO shares rose more than 10% in early trading
Both Lucid and Rivian prices have really gone thru the roof for no reasons when there is no products in sight. Even if there is, what about its robustness; still an unknown right ! Lastly there is no mentioned that they are producing their own semi-con - so will they not be affected by semi-con shortages ? Factors to consider before investing right ?
EV stocks dipped in morning trading
Seems like market nowadays do not take into account a stock's possibilities. Yet Rivian seems to go against this trend. Wonder what is The Force working behind the scene manipulating individual investors?? 
Now lets wait with abated breath whether Lucid and Frisker will be able to deliver their range of EVs without hiccups and recalls. Even Telsa pioneer in EV segment still encounters production issue. LOL
It makes no sense that Chinese EV makers stock prices are not rising as fast as Lucid the high end US EV maker that has not even roll out any product off the production line and the EV stands the test of time.... Yet the price is $36; higher than Li Auto price. Just doesn't makes sense...
Li Auto delivered 7,649 Li ONEs in October, increasing 107.2% YoY
Oil is not an inexhaustible commodity. It should be used with "care". By over pumping and pricing it "cheap" is NOT the solution. Until all things Electic"can take off"- then can we safely say that an Alternative energy has arrived. Until then DONT burn your candles from both ends simultaneously.
Oil jumps above US$81 with Opec+ sticking to output increase
Question : anyone knows how long did it take Tesla to break even before registering profits ? Pls share as this could be a yardstick for new EV manufacturers...
I thot all EVs will be affected by the semi-conductors shortages ? No ?
Lucid shares surged 7.7% in premarket trading
