Bank Hapoalim is Israel's leading financial group and largest bank. In Israel, the Bank Hapoalim Group has 288 full-service branches, eight regional business centers, and dedicated customer relationship managers for major corporate customers. The full service branches focus on households, private banking, professionals, small businesses and mortgage banking. Regional business centers serve middle-market companies. In the Bank's Head Office, expert teams specialize in specific industries to meet the needs of large corporate customers. In both retail and business banking, the Bank's website is accounting for a growing share of transactions, enquiries and information sources. In Israel, the Bank Hapoalim Group includes two commercial banking subsidiaries, as well as financial companies involved in investment banking, credit cards, trust services and portfolio management. The Group also has holdings in non-banking sectors. Overseas, Bank Hapoalim operates through 44 branches, subsidiaries and representative offices, in North and Latin America, Europe, the Far East, Turkey and Australia. In these markets, the Bank is engaged in trade, corporate financing, private banking and retail banking. Bank Hapoalim is rated by Standard & Poors, Moody's and Fitch. Bank Hapoalim is the only Israeli Bank listed on both the Tel Aviv and London Stock Exchange. In addition, a Level-1 ADR is traded in New York.