Amazonas Florestal Ltd is a natural resources company dedicated to innovative, sustainable forest management, Industrial CBD Hemp and the certification and sales of carbon credits. Amazonas Florestal's sustainable forest management strategy, with its green philosophy and modern methods of cyclical harvesting, preserves ecosystems through habitat and water resource preservation, positioning it as a potential industry leader in responsible, eco-friendly timber and agricultural practices. Headquartered in Miami, FL, Amazonas Florestal Ltd's goal is to become a leader in sustainable forest management, Industrial Hemp cultivation and product development and the Certification of Carbon Credits for Native Rainforest Projects. The Company's mission is to develop revenue while protecting the biodiversity of the ecosystems where the projects are located and enhancing the lives of the people who live in these areas. Amazonas and its people are committed to the preservation of the properties under its control. Amazonas believes that an environmentally responsible company can be profitable and grow while leaving a positive impact on its land, its people, and the bio-diversity of the properties where it operates. Through a strategy of selective low-impact harvestin and conservation incentives, Amazonas Florestal not only protects natural resources but helps to develop new methods and criterias to demonstrates how preservation can be profitable.